20 January 2009

You Can't Think of Anything Better? Really?

A high school teacher was interview directly following the Obama Inauguration today. (Yes, 'tis true, the Promised One has taken up his rightful place as ruler over the less blessed.) I don't want to comment on the Coronation...ahem! I mean Inauguration. Rather, I want just to focus on this woman-in-the-crowd's comment concerning children and politics. She said:
I can't think of anything better than for kids to become politically active.
Really? Isn't it more important for kids to know the difference between right and wrong or to cultivate the intellectual and moral virtues essential to legitimate political activity or to have fun or to learn how to be a good friend or ....

Actually, I'm not sure it is, on the whole, good or important at all that kids be politically active. And, really, what is it for a kid to be "politically active?" What it was for me was supporting whomever my parents were supporting.

I don't mean to attack this woman particularly, but it seems to me that her view is shared by many these days. And I think that's dumb.


Brianna. said...

Word up broseph. Way to attack the position, not the person. I think it's pretty dumb too. It would have been better even had she said "politically aware". but active? come on. get these children some freaking con-damns.

G. Miller said...

Sure I'd like them to be politically aware--if what that means is that they more or less understand the history of our government and how it works.

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