20 July 2008

Democrats Who Used to be Republicans but Still Call Themselves Republicans for Obama

Donkeys fumbling about in elephant's clothing tend to look a bit clumsy (not to mention flabby).

It has come to my attention that there is a movement afoot called "Republicans for Obama." The name of this group strikes me as a misnomer. For it seems to me that to be identified with a particular political party requires, first and foremost, that one embrace a particular political vision. If you are supporting Barack Obama for president, then it is likely that you, on the whole, do not embrace the republican perspective. To wit, you have no right to fly the republican flag. You are a democrat (or maybe just a *fan*), not a republican.


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that when you're talking about the Republican party, the "R" should be capitalized.

Maybe this is why nobody reads your blog.

G. Miller said...

Dear Anonymous,

I'm pretty sure there are better reasons not to read my blog. It is ironic, however, that you must have read my blog in order to pontificate about why it is that nobody reads my blog.

Wise man once said: he who throws mud at others not only gets his hands dirty but also loses a lot of ground.

iT's oK tho. i sTiLl lovE yA";

Gayla said...

I like your blog. This was very well put.